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Learning Activities

Learning Activities

This area contains questions and extension activities for use with each case study, developed by our writing team. You'll find both individual and group activities, along with comprehension questions and research projects.

QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What is innovation?  Use an example to show how innovation can lead to the development of new products.   {reg} 2.…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the meaning of franchising as a type of business ownership. {reg}2. Give 5 different examples of franchises. (They must not be all…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What is a destination brand?   Why is it important for 7-Eleven Australia to have a destination brand such as Slurpee? {reg}…
  1.   What is an acquisition?  Why might organisations undertake acquisitions of other businesses? 2.    Summarise the key features of the acquisition of the…
  1. Explain how the partnership with Krispy Kreme had the potential to fit 7-Eleven’s overall strategic plan in the following key areas: To create…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain how the image and reputation of Alcoa is enhanced through their range of initiatives that promote the philosophy of building…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What change in ownership occurred at Alintaand how was this a particular challenge for its management? {reg}2. Identify two other aspects…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Visit the ANZ web site at www.anz.com.au/australia/aboutanz/Advertising/default.asp  Watch the three television advertisements More convenient banking; Robots; and Home lender of the…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the terms end-to-end supply chain and third party logistics. Identify the range of activities involved in these processes.   {reg}2.…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Identify the various types of communications channels. {reg}2. Explain how communications technology has changed in the last century. Which traditional forms…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. How does the ABS, as a public sector organization, differ from a private company? How might it be similar? {reg}2. Identify…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Construct a graphic outline of the material presented in the Case Study. {reg}2. Why is it important that progress within Australia…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. How does the ABS, as a public sector organisation, differ from a private company? How might it be similar? {reg}2. Why…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What are some of the activities the Australian Defence Force (ADF) are involved in? {reg}2. Conduct research into where the ADF…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What are the steps of the ADF recruitment process? {reg}2. How is the recruitment process different from that of other organisations…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Discuss the economic benefits of private superannuation as opposed to state benefits, particularly in reference to the fact that Australia has…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES   1. What are some of the issues company management faces when undergoing a merger or acquisition? 2. What were the different…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Identify and briefly explain three ways the natural resources industry contributes to the Australian economy. {reg}2. This case study refers to…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES Review the AFR article and the BHP Billiton Case Study entitled Natural resources and the economy: planning for successful growth Look up www.bhpbilliton.com.au…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Use the following terms in a sentence to explain their meaning. Zero harm Strategic planning Benchmark.  {reg}2. Create a mind map…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Define 'company culture'. Why is it important to have a distinctive company culture? {reg}2. What are the main features of BHP…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Describe what is meant by Human Resources {reg}2. In two paragraphs, outline why do you think Human Resources is important for…
1. Construct a mind map to outline BHP Billiton's profile, purpose, creation, public listing and structure, using both information found in this Case Study and…
This presentation looks at the basics of Change Management, including: What is change management? Benefits of change Resistance to change Sources of change (internal and…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Identify evidence that BOC is a successful, global company. {reg}2. Establish the relationship between BOC success and the importance of HR.…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Describe what is meant by change management. {reg}2. Outline the key steps in managing the change process. 3. What kind of…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Identify the change in consumer behaviour that is significant for carsales.com. {reg}2. Briefly explain the three key factors in the success…
NRMA INSURANCE & CGU LEARNING ACTIVITIES Topic(s) Risk management Natural disasters Sustainability Insurance industry   Case Study(ies) CGU & NRMA Insurance – Insurance and weather…
  Review the Media Release from Coates dated 23 October 2006, Coates acquires Bennett Hire business. Describe the main features of the action Coates is…
  Review the AFR articles and the Coates Case Study entitled The Coates Way Look up www.coates.com.au   Answer the following questions: Describe at least two…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Why do you think the idea of a "culture of safety" has become so important in the Coates' workplace? {reg}2. Describe…
QUESTIONS and ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the nature of the Coates Hire business. You may elect to visit the website to further explore the businesses listed…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain how Coca-Cola Amatil operates in Australia as part of the global Coca-Cola Company.  {reg}2. Identify the 5Ps of the company's…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. The Gruen Transfer describes water advertising as creating differences (USPs) between products that are essentially the same. Can you think of other products/services…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.You have the task of developing an advertising campaign to encourage young graduates to go into the accounting profession. Design a web…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. With reference to John Ilhan, comment on the statement 'Entrepreneurs create their own jobs and their own futures'. {reg}2. What useful…
  Review the AFR article and the Crazy John's Case Studies entitled Turning a good idea into commercial success and Service the Crazy John's way…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. List four ways you may find out about employment opportunities at Crazy John's.   {reg}2. a. List three ways Crazy John's…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Read the Case Study and visit www.Dell.com >Company Facts. Outline the main features of the Dell company. Click on the highlighted…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Comment on the statement, "Education, Science and Training are crucial to building Australia's future prosperity and well- being." {reg}2. How does…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the role of the accountant in the development of a business. Consider the non-financial roles as well as the financial…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.  Identify and explain the essential characteristics of an entrepreneur. {reg}2.  Read the section 'The top ten characteristics in today's successful young entrepreneurs'. Select…
  QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES   Review the article and the Ernst & Young Case Study entitled Entrepreneurs - shaping the future of Australia Look up www.ey.com.au Answer the…
  QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the meaning of a high-performance culture. {reg}2. Outline the reasons why a high-performance culture leads to business success. Would…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.  Describe what is meant by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). List five ways Corporate Social Responsibility benefits each of the following: The…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1        List some of the ways in which accountants aid Australian business {reg}2        Why do you think Facebook is an effective marketing…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.      Define the term project management. {reg}2.      Explain why it was important for Fletchers to have a project manager in charge of…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.      Draw an organisational chart of Fonterra.  Explain how a co-operative is managed.  Discuss why a co-operative was chosen over other forms…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Visit the Sporting Chance Cancer Foundation website http://www.sportingchance.com.au and explain how Fujitsu General's image and reputation is enhanced through sponsorship of…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.  The following questions may be answered in pairs: a. What is a brand and why did Fujitsu consider it important to…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Describe four benefits a company could expect from adopting extensive CSR programs. {reg}2. Why should a company make public the results…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.      Design a collage that illustrates the different products that Heinz Wattie's provides. {reg}2.      Research the history of Heinz Wattie's and produce…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Define insurance and explain how it can operate as a business model using IAG as an example. {reg}2. State the four…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Identify three growth related activities that have occurred at iiNet since its commencement. {reg}2. Establish the relationship between customer service and…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Describe a franchise arrangement and outline the advantages and disadvantages of franchising. {reg}2. What additional benefits do you think there might…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Outline the development of the KFC brand in Australia. {reg}2.‘Franchising is the main way KFC has developed in Australia’. Outline the…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Why did L'Oreal create the L'Oreal Beauty Club? {reg}2. What strategies does the club use to develop a relationship with the…
LEARNING ACTIVITY   Topic(s) Human Resources Stakeholder relations Employee engagement Leadership   Case Study(ies) Lion – Leadership, diversity and the importance of great people  …
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.  How do small businesses help to support Australia's economy? {reg}2.  Explain the terms 'distribution' and 'third-party logistics' and identify the activities…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What is a franchise? How does it work? {reg}2. What types of advantages does a franchise bring to the franchisee? Also…
1.      Arrange a group discussion using the topic  Why is it important for McDonald's that French fries bought in Auckland are the same as the…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain why the Meat & Livestock Association (MLA) has attempted to differentiate Australian beef in the global beef market. {reg}2. Write a letter…
  Review the AFR article and the Meat & Livestock Australia Case Study entitled Global market differentiation through science and systems Look up www.mla.com.au Answer the following…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) is working to improve the environmental sustainability of the red meat industry. Design a web page…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) is a producer owned company. Outline the role of the MLA, its mission and core activities. Describethe services it…
  Questions & Activities Read the Meat & Livestock Australia 'Caring for livestock exports' Case Study and answer the following questions.   Useful websites are:  …
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the difference between having a wealth management strategy and saving money. {reg}2. Explain the benefits, and potential concerns, of investing…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the concept of marketing. {reg}2. Explain the concept of advertising. How does it differ to marketing? 3. What is meant…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Why did MLC/NAB need to make changes to the way they do business? {reg}2. Outline some of the catalysts that forced…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Comment on the following statement "The line between content and advertising is blurring". {reg}2. Outline the differences between traditional commercial breaks…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Why does the government require free-to-air broadcasters to produce a minimum amount of Australian content? {reg}2. When a new production such…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Outline the difficulties that NZRC may face given its unique business structure and its main customers. How might the interests of…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.Why does it make good business sense for Nike to take the issue of corporate responsibility so seriously? {reg}2. Many of the…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Write a letter to a newspaper, or prepare a short article, explaining how Nike researches and develops new products. 2. Develop a…
QUESTIONS and ACTIVITIES 1. Why is it important for Origin Energy to understand the nature of competition in its market, as well as the needs…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Paladin’s company strategy is to continue expansion through project acquisition and development? How does this mean the company is expanding? {reg}2.…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What benefits do industry bodies such as the PMI give members? Why is it important for Project Managers to be a…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES Read the Reckitt-Benckiser case study "Doing business the right way" and answer the following: 1. Outline what it means for a company…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES Read the Reckitt-Benckiser case study "Taking a brand online" and answer the following questions: 1.  Explain the aim of Reckitt-Benckiser's marketing and…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. List the main features of online or digital advertising and traditional, mass marketing advertising. {reg}2. What advantages were there for Reckitt…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the concept of a Powerbrand. Outline the importance of Powerbrands to the Reckitt Benckiser company. {reg}2. Identify the steps that Reckitt…
  QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Outline the factors that contributed to the success of Reckitt-Benckiser (RB) following their merger in 1999. 2. What was the…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the business relationship between Telstra, Sensis and Yellow. {reg}2. Describe the major change that has occurred with the Yellow business…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Why is the 'future' such a key aspect of investment? {reg}2. What are the three key types of customers of the…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Explain the difference between savings and investments {reg}2. In a time of uncertainty on the financial markets, why might you decide…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Use the loan calculator from the Suncorp website (www.suncorp.com.au). a) Go to Calculator/Loan/Loan Term.  Calculate how long it would take to repay a…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Describe what is meant by Market Based Management. {reg}2. List at least five reasons why Market Based Management is effective. 3.…
  QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES Read The Institute - ’The role of accounting in business’. 1. How do Chartered Accountants serve the public interest? 2. List…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES Read the 'Chartered Accountants: influencing Australian Business' Case Study and answer the following questions: 1. List three way in which leadership is…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES Read ‘Bringing experience to future leaders: The Chartered Accountants Student Challenge’ Case Study and answer the following questions: Describe what is meant by…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.      Draw a diagram showing the positive benefits of entrepreneurs on the economy. {reg}2.      Design a character profile of an entrepreneur.  Identify…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. What is a stakeholder? Identify the stakeholders of a bank such as Westpac. {reg}2. Explain the meaning of sustainability. Why is…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1.  Why is LNG such an important part of Woodside's business? What is the future outlook for this market? {reg}2. Why would…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Define the term globalisation. {reg}2. Explain the meaning of economies of scale.  Use two examples of global large-scale organisations to illustrate the relationship…
QUESTIONS & ACTIVITIES 1. Father Chris Riley is an entrepreneur. How do entrepreneurs help shape society and the economy in Australia? 2. Why is it…

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