1. Father Chris Riley is an entrepreneur. How do entrepreneurs help shape society and the economy in Australia?
2. Why is it important for organisations to have a clear mission, vision and values?
3. Who are the stakeholders in the Macquarie Centre for Youth project? Are there any others you can think of?
4. Why is it important for YOTS to continually measure the effectiveness of their programs? List as many reasons as you can think of.
5. In your own words, list the objectives of the Macquarie Fields Centre for Youth.
1. Using the case study and some additional research, e.g. the YOTS website and the 2011 Annual report, undertake a SWOT analysis of YOTS. A SWOT analysis examines the Strengths/Weaknesses (INTERNAL), Opportunities/Threats (EXTERNAL) of a business. Your teacher can provide some additional advice on undertaking the analysis. Present a short written (200-250 words) or oral (2-3 minute) presentation.
2. Like any startup organisation, Fr. Chris Riley would have had to create a business plan when he founded Youth Off The Streets. Create your own business plan for YOTS using the structure below:
Organisation description – including an overview of the organisation, description of your services,positioningand strategy. |
Market analysis – including market size and trends, in this case, the number of young people you would help. This section should provide enough facts to convince an investor, potential partner or other reader that your organisation has enough support in a crowded charity marketplace. It should also show what services your organisation can provide that are currently not being offered effectively and why they are needed. |
Development – including how your services will be developed and offered effectively, examples of development costs, location, labour etc |
Marketing and fundraising - the strategy and tactics you will use to fundraise and get donations. |
Management – showing that you have a winning team with a strong vision and complementary skills. |
Financials - showing the costs of the business and indicating that you have evaluated the risks associated with your venture |