This area contains questions and extension activities for use with each case study, developed by our writing team. You'll find both individual and group activities, along with comprehension questions and research projects.
Further Learning Activities will de developed through the academic year, focussing on the business developments of featured companies.
For more hints and strategies on using the case studies, visit our Teaching Hints & Strategies area in our Learning resources section.
Have you developed assignments around the case studies on featured companies? Send them to us so we can share them with others.
This area contains questions and extension activities for use with each case study, developed by our writing team. You'll find both individual and group activities, along with comprehension questions and research projects.
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This area is designed to bring together useful links for students and teachers. Know of a link that should be featured here? Contact us and let us know.
Our aim is to bring you access to information that will help you plan lessons effectively and make a real resource for teaching professionals.
The following are all Terms used throughout the Australian Business Case Studies website. This Glossary should help you understand the meaning behind each term.
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If your company or organisation would like to be part of Australia & New Zealand's best case study resource, apply for a case study online or phone us on
02 4991 2874 in Australia and 0800 990 999 in New Zealand.
Useful Resources
Need to contact a teaching association?
Or get ideas for class?
Check out our useful links.
Teaching Hints & Strategies
Share your lesson plans with other
professionals or search for ideas here.