- Review the AFR article and the BHP Billiton Case Study entitled Natural resources and the economy: planning for successful growth
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Answer the following questions:
1. Why is BHP Billiton taking a particular interest in uranium as an energy source?
(Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the BHP Billiton Case Study are essential background to this question).
Teachers may wish to develop the debate on uranium as an energy source, as this will be prominent in Australia for some time. This lends itself to group activity, as there are opposing sides to the argument and an opportunity to divide the class into factions.
The material also provides an opportunity to expand on corporate governance issues - the role and membership of a Board of Management - the issues before Boards etc and the
BHP Billiton web site is helpful on this aspect through the Annual Report.
If other materials are more easily accessed, another business could be used to illustrate these points from where there is a range of companies identified with useful web sites containing Annual Reports and other corporate governance statements.