Business studies Australia a key area for students
Do you have the latest business studies Australia resources?
How are your students learning business studies Australia? Do you have the latest resources? Is business studies Australia a real, living subject for your students? Do they know how business studies Australia will help their careers long after they have taken their HSC? With growing numbers of business studies Australia students, teachers need to be fully up-to-date with Australia’s dynamic business environment and able to pass on the latest business know-how.
New business studies Australia resource for secondary schools!
Australian Business Case Studies Pty LtdprovidesFREE Business Case Studies Kits for 3000 secondary schools. In its second year, the case studies listed in the kit provide invaluable business studies Australia information from some of Australia’s largest businesses and organisations. The case studies show business studies Australia students how business theory is translated into practice in real organisations, bringing the business studies Australia curriculum alive.
The business studies Australia curriculum
The HSC business studies Australia curriculum focuses heavily on practical knowledge and how theory translates into practice. With this curriculum focus, case studies are invaluable in showing business theory as real-life examples. The case studies are written by National Curriculum Services, by business studies Australia teachers experienced in bringing the business studies Australia curriculum to HSC students. Edition Two of Australian Business Case Studies has a diverse range of exciting case studies to cover even more business studies Australia curriculum topics, including international business, marketing, human resources and financial literacy.
More business studies Australia information available on the web
Log on to even more information designed to complement the business studies Australia curriculum. The website has been updated to include Questions and Activities designed to address business studies Australia curriculum outcomes, business news, a full glossary and company information.
The kit is sent out to schools yearly. Edition Three of the Australian Financial Review Case Studies with Business News will be available in June 2007. Australian Business Case Studies Pty Ltd welcomes expressions of interest from organisations wishing to be featured.
Contact: Australian Business Case Studies Pty Ltd
Phone: (02) 4991 5577 Fax: (02) 4991 3089