Sunday, January 26, 2025
A type of organisation where multiple partners manage the business and are responsible for its profits and losses, debts and liabilities.
Pay As You Go Taxation. The type of tax paid by most wage and salary earners whereby tax is taken straight from an employee's salary before they get it.
Plants that continues to grow over a number of years, allowing a deep root systems to establish (as opposed to more shallowrooted annuals that only last up to a year). Perennials are common pasture plants.
Attitudes, values and beliefs in an organisation that have a strong emphasis on results and performance. Rewards provided are based on levels of performance achieved.
The process of creating a work environment or setting in which people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities.
A system where pay is determined by the actual performance on agreed tasks and targets.
Refers to a person informing the public that he/she approves of a product/service and is happy to be associated with it.
When a real person(s) is used to promote the sale of products and/or services.
The effort to increase the well-being of humankind through charitable aid or donations to others who need help.
The area where a sale or transaction occurs in a retail environment. This area is considered highly effective for product placement.
A set of rules to guide decisions and actions.
When a group of people share things in common for the benefit of all those involved.
The combined marketing strategies that result in how the organisation wants a product ot brand to be perceived by the market. Positioning is directly related to brand values, market demographics and the image of the product in the marketplace.
A strategic statement of what differentiates a product or brand competitively in the market and in the mind of a target consumer.
The continuation of poverty unless interrupted by outside intervention.
A brand which covers several best selling products and which is known world wide
The amount of money to be paid for the contract/policy of insurance.
The amount borrowed.
A company that has a limited number of private shareholders (owners) and is not listed on the stock market.
Business organisations owned or controlled by private individuals or shareholders.
Privateer in the sense of Motor Sport refers to an individual who owns/drives his own racing car and has no factory/corporate backing.
The transfer of ownership from the public sector (government) to the private sector.
When the ownership and operation of an organisation is transferred from government to the private sector.
Work undertaken either free of charge or at a substantially reduced rate.
Protocols or a set of guidelines or rules for use in various circumstances.
The broad range of characteristics that make up the total product in addition to the obvious use to the consumer. These include reputation, convenience and back up support.
The generic term that is accepted industry-wide to describe a group or sub-group of similar products.
An aspect of the product management process where it is changed, enhanced or modified to better meet the needs of the market.
Establishing the way(s) a product will be different to its competitors. This difference is then reinforced through advertising and promotion.
When an advertiser pays to have their products directly placed into the television program along with other platforms such as online integration and billboards, in addition to the traditional commercial break.
The amount of product and awareness of a product in a marketplace. How much of a company's product is being successfully sold to each customer.
Placing an advertiser's product directly into a television show where viewers at home can see the products during the show (and sometimes used by the characters on the show).
The division of a company’s products in to distinct groups or segments.
Recognises that manufacturers, retailers, government and consumers share a responsibility to manage the impacts of products throughout their lifecycle, including their ultimate disposal.
The stages or sequences of operations and procedures involved in the production of a product or service.
The average real production per worker per unit of time.
Intentions and actions the aim to maximize the average real production per worker per unit of time.
The difference between the cost of a product and the price at which it is sold.
The excess of income earned by a business over its expenses.
The methods and disciplines used to define goals, plan and monitor tasks and resources, identify and resolve issues, and control costs and budgets for a specific project.
A leader who plans, budgets, co-ordinates, monitors and controls the workers and firms involved in a project.
Making products and services better known through a range of activities. Generally, promotion is communicating with the public in an attempt to influence them toward buying products and/or services.
The range of activities that can be used by management to promote a product. These include advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and sponsorship.
To develop as being successful or thriving.
A working model developed in the design stage of a product - used as test prior to developing the final product.
A company which has an unlimited number of shareholders and is listed on a stock exchange, e.g. the ASX. This allows the public to buy and sell shares in the company. See also, capital markets listed company, market capitalisation
How an organisation is perceived by outsiders.
A type of limited company (a company in which the liability of members for the company’s debts is limited) whose shares may be offered for sale to the public.
A functional area of management that involves communicating the image and view of the business to a range of stakeholders including employees, the broader community, media, investors and government.
That part of the economy that is controlled by government spending and includes organisations such as police, state schools and public hospitals.
A company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange where the public may buy and sell shares in the company.

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