Meat & Livestock Australia: Global market differentiation through science and systems

Global market differentiation through sciance and systems

As a result of reading this Case Study students should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of the beef industry to Australia's economy 
  • Appreciate the industry's commitment to preserving the environment
  • Analyse ways the industry has adopted the concepts of sustainability, social responsibility and ethical practices
  • Explain how producers are using technology to improve farm operational management systems.


It's about competing on the global stage. It's about being the world's best.

Core activities of the MLA

Build demand for Australian red meat and livestock in Australia and overseas by carrying out a range of marketing activities.

Developing systems to meet specifications

Any successful business continually strives to improve, especially when the competition is tough and the stakes are high.

Technology in an age-old industry

The beef industry is applying new technologies to maintain and improve the standard of Australian beef.

Maintaining industry quality

Consumers today are more aware of issues such as food safety, the handling of animals and the use of chemicalsand additives.


The beef industry actively responds to consumer, community and worldwide trends to ensure high quality and cost competitive production.




Core activities of the MLA


Developing systems to meet specifications


Technology in an age-old industry


Maintaining industry quality

